Different variable's value for each window instance

i’m trying to have multiple instance of the same popup window and i want to pass a different value to each one. any help or idea is welcomed and thanks in advance

Show this video, will help you…

thank you but i’m already able to launch multiple instance of the popup but all of them have the same value and i want to have a specific value for each instance.

Show me a screenshot example, i don’t understand your problem :slight_smile:

What parameters are you passing to the popup? (There must be something–that’s the only way to make things different.)

i’m running a named query that gives me an id whenever there a tag value change. i tried to store the id in a tag and then bind the component to it but it doesnt work. is there a way to create a variable related to the popup instance ?

Do you need to store the id variable anywhere? Or can you use it directly from entry field on popup?

Have you tried to make Custom Properties inside popup page that is related to instance ?

Yes. They are called root container custom properties. Those are also the properties that can be filled in uniquely by the script that opens the popup (via parameters). Have you looked at the documentation for system.nav.openWindowInstance?

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