Display Ignition on Android TV?

Is there a way to get Ignition to display on a TV? I have an Android TV with access to the GooglePlay store. I've been browsing the forum & have seen this question asked a couple times before to which the short answer was "no". They were all multi-years ago so I wanted to bring it back up in case the answer has changed. I have my views built in Perspective, but I can build something fresh if needed. What I want to display on the TV is simply a few Analog Indicators so its not a big deal if I need to build it special for TV display.

If the answer is still no, can someone explain to me what the lacking thing on TVs are? Is it Java support or something else?

You should be able to display a Perspective page pretty easily unless the version of Chrome used on that TV is too old and not upgradeable.

I don't know if you'd be able to run the Perspective Android app or not.

So that helped to open the view on the TV. I had to go through the web interface. I attempted to install Perspective for Linux which is what the website assumed the OS was, but it appears the TV doesn't have the ability to extract & launch the .exe. Nonetheless, its working on the web interface now with the browser so we are good to go in the regard.