I would like to display only low priority alarms when they are active. My requirements are as follows: I need to implement this requirement for only a few tags.
The power table will be invisible until the low alarm is active.
The power table will be visible when the low priority alarm is active, and the background colour must be yellow.
The power table will be placed on the overview screen. If I press the active alarm, it will take it to the respective screen where the alarm is active.
Your suggestions and feedback are greatly appreciated.
Dear All,
I am encountering an issue while testing the following script:
a) I have a master tag list . I am attempting to move this list to another list called âfinal listâ with an additional column named âActive.â The final header should be [âTagNameâ, âActiveâ].
However, I am receiving an error message indicating that âIndexError: Row 0 does not have the same number of columns as the header list.â
b) I have successfully read the tag, but it only returns the value âBTestTempTag.â I am attempting to loop through all the tags and assign the alarm status to the âActiveâ column.
Careful with calling queryStatus from Vision though as it can cause client lag due to it running in the EDT and needing a response from the gateway. Even a few of these calls running in the client can cause operator hair loss or cracks to appear "mysteriously" in your client monitors
I attempted to use the âsystem.alarm.queryStatusâ function, but it returned all tags, including those from other sites. I do not want to disrupt the Gateway.
Therefore, I have written the following script, which is not working as expected. Could someone please check how to achieve this?
masterData = event.source.parent.getComponent('masterData').data
testData = []
finalHeaders = ['status' , 'TagName']
for row in xrange(masterData.rowCount):
testData.append([masterData.getValueAt(row, column) for column in xrange(masterData.columnCount)])
#print testData
tagPath = masterData.getValueAt(row, 0)
print tagPath
configTagPath = tagPath+"/ATestMem/A/Alarms.ActiveUnackCount"
print configTagPath
#print configValue
alarmstate = configValue[0].value
#print alarmstate
mastertagPath = [(tagName) for tagName in tagPath[0:].split(',')]
#print mastertagPath
data = [[i, tagPath] for i, (tagPath) in enumerate(mastertagPath)]
options = system.dataset.toDataSet(finalHeaders, data)
event.source.parent.getComponent('finalData').data = options
I have successfully identified the tags with active alarms. I am currently attempting to retrieve data from the source table to Power table(finalData). My focus is on extracting the source and event time data. Is there a way to accomplish this one please?