I want to be able to make a Tree's item expand to show multiple lines, as in the below. I'm using the Tree as a sort of debugger which shows errors, but without multiple lines it's a bit useless...
Something like this?
.tree-item {
height: fit-content !important;
.tree-item-label {
height: fit-content !important;
flex: unset !important;
overflow-wrap: break-word !important;
white-space:pre-wrap !important;
I edited to this:
.tree-item {
height: fit-content !important;
padding: 4px 0px; /*added this*/
.tree-item-label {
/*height: fit-content !important;*/
flex: unset !important;
flex-wrap: nowrap; /*added this*/
overflow-wrap: break-word !important;
white-space:pre-wrap !important;
But this worked great, thanks as always @victordcq
(if you edit your post to that (without the comments ofc) i'll mark your post as the solution - as is though it looked a bit funny with the labels pushed up to the top of the row container rather than in the vertical centre)
I'd much rather the bullet lead my eye to the first line of the item content.
I think the bullet was in the centre and the rest of the content was shunted to the top.
I would have to move the line joining the bullet if I wanted to move the bullet to the top, which sounds hard!!
Maybe it's not so hard...
Crap, just noticed the last item is bogus... ah, cause it's the last one and it's put at the end of the vertical stick... ehh, I can live with the last one looking strange
/* edits to the Tree component to display long text on multiple lines */
.tree-item {
height: fit-content !important;
padding: 4px 0px;
.tree-item-label {
flex: unset !important;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
overflow-wrap: break-word !important;
white-space:pre-wrap !important;
.tree .tree-alignment.terminal-alignment .cross-alignment{
height: 0.75rem
.tree .tree-item-label .label-wrapper{
align-items: start;
ah i was bussy looking at it too
you can use .terminal-alignment.last-child
for the last one
.tree-item {
height: fit-content !important;
padding: 4px 0px;
.tree-item-label {
flex: unset !important;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
overflow-wrap: break-word !important;
white-space:pre-wrap !important;
.tree .tree-alignment.terminal-alignment .cross-alignment{
height: 0.75rem
.tree .tree-item-label .label-wrapper{
align-items: start;
height: 0.75rem !important;
I moved to px like your original last post (before edits) as the 0.75rem stopped working for me after the other bits and pieces, so I'm at this:
.tree-item {
height: fit-content !important;
padding: 4px 0px; /*added this*/
.tree-item-label {
/*height: fit-content !important;*/
flex: unset !important;
flex-wrap: nowrap; /*added this*/
overflow-wrap: break-word !important;
white-space:pre-wrap !important;
.label-wrapper-icon {
display: block !important;
padding-top: 4px;
height: 16px !important;
.terminal-alignment .cross-alignment{
height: 16px !important;
.tree .tree-item-label .label-wrapper{
align-items: start;
Thanks again!! Where there's a will, there's Victor with a hammer and a sledge hammer if the hammer doesn't work
ah i didnt get it up pixel perfect so i just too your values (but seems you found the correct px values )
yep, you had 14px, I went to 16 and it looked good! haha. Nothing like beating it til it conforms