Displaying a .jpg that is stored in ignition db on a perspective screen directly from db

Is there a good way to display a .jpg directly from ignition db in an image object or similar. Much of what i’m reading on the subject doesn’t seem viable in perspective.

Looks like this talks about what your looking to do.
View Images from Database - Ignition Early Access - Inductive Automation Forum

I set everything up exactly like this (to my knowledge) and the image isn’t displaying. The transform, not pictured is:
b64Image = “data:imagef;base64,%s”%value

return b64Image

I’m not getting any error messages and the output listed in the source of the image is: data:imagef;base64,com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.datasource.BasicStreamingDataset@b429429

Am i missing something?

Return format: scalar