DNP Protocol - Analog Input Event with Time

Ignition implementation of DNP Protocol lacks the support for Object 2 - Binary Input Event with Time and for Object 32 - Analogue Input Event with Time.
More precisely Object 2: Variations 0, 2, and 3 as well Object 32: Variations 9, 3, 4 and 7.

When this functionality will be available ?
There is a great necessity for Event acquisition with time for DNP applications specially for Energy sector.


These are supported in the current driver when using unsolicited events. What makes you think otherwise?

side note: variation 0 is only ever used in requests from the master. variation 9 for group 32 doesn't exist.

My question was based on the Point List published:

int Types section in DNP3 - Ignition User Manual 8.1 - Ignition Documentation

So, since the event with timestamp can be acquired by the implemented DNP protocol, Ignition will backfill a trend (easychart) or the database (historian) with the buffered events received from the Outstation when communication resumes.

The supported groups and variations described in the manual are for when using manual addressing and explicit reads.

If you want events and backfill data then ignore that, just use the points made available by the driver when you browse and enable unsolicited messaging.

If you've enabled unsolicited messaging and set up the Tag Group as described in the manual, yes.

A fundamental thing the driver is missing is support for class-based polling, which is something the new driver coming out later this year addresses.

I've found it much more reliable to address my DNP3 objects based on the integrity polls and browsing in OPC Quick Client or creating a tag from an object in Designer's OPC Browse.

I often have to change the tag data type in Ignition and do a quick test (e.g. it goes to Int when it's defined as Float in the PLC and the object/variant) but it's more consistent to do this than try to bother with the chart in the docs shown above which doesn't seem to match up on our points list macro's objects/variation output either.