DNP3 tag quality bad

I have setup DNP3 to get data from a AB Micrologix 1400 PLC:

  1. Binary tags works good except for time stamp showing incorrect on alarm journal. I have seen a post about this issue been solved on a previous release but not sure how.
  2. Analog input tags show values but have BAD quality. I have changed configuration parameters on the DNP3 driver but still having problems.
    Any help will be appreciated.

Can you set the log level for logger “drivers.dnp3.Requests.Read.StaticData” to DEBUG and/or get a Wireshark capture?

I have found that decreasing the Integrity Poll Interval to 3600 alleviates the problem with the quality tag.

The time stamp is still a problem. I know it has to do with the UTC time parameter but cant figured out how to compensate for it.
Will try to do wire-shark captures.