DNS assignment Question

Hello everyone,
I have an Ignition project whose gateway is currently in a central server. To access the gateway, I must ensure that the computers are within the same subnet, which feels a little hectic. I registered a domain with a goal of assigning the IP to my gateway for easy access over the internet.
I need help with this process. How do I assign that IP to my Ignition gateway, is it in the Webserver section or which part specifically?
I'm currenty using the trial license for these tests.
I will greatly appreciate detailed explanation.

You're in over your head.
Pay someone to sort this out. If your security is flawed you could be in big trouble and the savings on DIY will seem rather trivial.

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While I agree with @Transistor, a domain and an IP are essentially unrelated. You can point a domain to your public IP of your firewall/router, but then you have to use NAT/port forwarding to get access to your Ignition instance. Just playing/testing is one thing, but definitely need to be careful with doing this on real systems or you'll be the next possible victim of hacking.

If you use Cloudflare for DNS, there's a way to set up a tunnel on your computer to let cloudflare proxy the traffic and provide encryption in front of your Ignition gateway, but as mentioned, you'll be in over your head and just get frustrated as this isn't just click a button or 2 and type in your domain name. In fact, there isn't really any configuration inside Ignition that needs done as it's all in the firewall/router, DNS provider, etc.

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