Dock View Table column misaligned when data is changed

Table Column’s misaligned when data is changed.


Table Props:

You can use the width property in the columns settings to ensure things don’t move.
It will be a percentage of the table width if strictWidth is false, or a fixed width in pixels if it’s true.

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What Ignition version is this? I’m pretty sure a bug ticket exists for this, but I don’t know if it’s fixed already or not.

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version 8.1.12
version 8.1.14

Why do you have two different versions ? What’s what ?

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@pascal.fragnoud 8.1.12 is the version in the main server while the 8.1.14 is my localhost ignition version. Bug can be reproduced in both versions. :slightly_smiling_face:
I also tried your suggestion by using width property, same thing happens as before.

Try 8.1.17+; I don’t know why there’s no public release note (so I can’t link you to anything to prove it) but I see a bug that I’m pretty sure is the same as what you’re seeing fixed in that version.

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