Docker Swarm Container Licensing

We are attempting to leverage Docker Swam and Portainer for High availability. We are using a 6-character key and can persist the license for one container as long as we stop and start that one container all is good. However, when we stop instance 1 and launch instance 2 (Existing on another server) the licensing fails. I believe we use a GlusterFS, and bind the /bin directory to persist the data across the swarm. - I am not an IT guru so I may have this described incorrectly.

  1. Is this configuration supported?

  2. Does this configuration require an 8-character key so the key and activation can be passed as Environment variables?

  3. Is there a cost associated with converting a 6-character key to 8-character key

Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide.

You'll need to use an 8-key leased activation license key for this to work reliably. That will require egress connectivity to over 443/tcp (the requests are just standard https).

Application of the license key and activation token would then be done by creating a secret for at least the activation token (the "private" portion an 8-digit key) and mapping that into the service definition via the IGNITION_ACTIVATION_TOKEN_FILE (pointing to the path where the secret is mounted, e.g. /run/secrets/ignition-activation-token) and IGNITION_LICENSE_KEY (containing the 8-digit key string value, e.g. XXXX-XXXX) environment variables.