Domino Printer and TCP protocol

Has anyone integrated a domino printer with TCP protocol, I am trying to configure it, or has anyone used this protocol with scripts.

Hi, What kind of protocol are you handling in the printer, in my case I am handling CODENET, but domino handles 2 more, if you could share with me how you are doing the communication with the driver, I could help you, I am currently testing with another software called N3URON, to make this connection.

I just linked to another thread on the forum, I was not the original poster there...

Its been quite a while since I configured that printer, but we just used the standard Ignition TCP device driver I believe and sent the commands as strings to the printer similar to what was detailed in that other thread. Unfortunately, I don't have the documentation handy for that printer since that project was completed a few years ago, but it was from Domino, so should be able to track it down for your model through them.

We are using multiples Domino Ax350i and are communicating through codenet.
Config is straightforward in the gateway (port 7000, IP address and remember to enable Writeback in the advanced properties)
To send printing commands, refer to the Codenet manual.
The ESC needed at each command can be sent like this '1B'.decode('hex')
The EOT needed at the end of your transmission can be sent like this '04'.decode('hex')

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