While a View can have many parents, if I am editing a page and click into a specific view, then I should be able to back out to the page where I started from. Of course all bets are off if I jump to another page to edit (or as in other HMIs you need to back out before you can navigate elsewhere).
Yes I am. The reason being that because there are no "template libraries" for views in perspective, the best advice I have received is to create a dummy page full of my master reference views and copy them to what ever actual pages I want to deploy them to. (See my question Can you create libraries of custom objects for Perspective? and especially the comments about performance killing with deeply nested embedded views)
As an aid to make sure I am in the right spot, I want to see a breadcrumb path from the perspective root down to where I am editing, so I know that I am changing my master copy and not editing one of the deployed instances.
Of course even better would be to have a true library of views in perspective where by changes to the master view are automatically propagated to all the reference views at design time.