Download perspective demo project

I want to study to the demo project of pespective but I don’t find any where to download it.
Where can I download the last version of perspective demo project?


This is the link to latest version of demo source, released a few month ago

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you forget to add the link in the post.

Sorry Ignition 8 Online Demo Examples

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Could you please update the new version of project?
It’s too old. for example map layer example is not in it.


Here is an updated copy of the main features of the 8.0 Perspective Demo project: (2.0 MB)

There are additional demo files inside this .zip, so please extract it first. The .zip file that is inside this one is the project export file that you can import into your own project.
Let me know if you have any issues with these files.

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I receive error loading project.
Project loading failed. Project ‘DemoProject’ expected parent ‘global’ but found ‘’
Please, I will appreciate if you can assist out with the error message.


The demo projects inherit from a parent project named ‘global’ and are expecting it to exist on your Gateway. Try creating a new project named ‘global’ and make it inheritable.

I am trying to download Ignition version 8 Demo project from Ignition site.
But the page showing size 71 MB and while downloading the size shows 157 mb.

After downloading could not found .GWBK file to restore the gateway backup. Please advise.

I just extract the downloaded file “”. Then changed the file extension of the file “Ignition 8.0 Demo” to .GWBK. And able to successfully restore gateway backup. Hope this help!

Yeah that was a mistake with the upload file. We are fixing it now.
The .zip file should be renamed to .gwbk.
Thanks for catching that and bringing it to our attention!

Can we get the gateway file, including BMS