Drag Popup Outside of Project

Thanks. Adjusting the script from this unfinished post, I have

openDesktops = len(system.gui.getDesktopHandles())
monitorData = Navigation.getScreens()
if openDesktops == 0 and len(monitorData) > 1:
	for desktopIndex, desktopWidth, desktopHeight, desktopX, desktopY in monitorData[1:]:
		handleName = "Desktop %d" %desktopIndex
		system.gui.openDesktop(screen=desktopIndex, handle=handleName, width=desktopWidth, height=desktopHeight, x=desktopX, y=desktopY).setAlwaysOnTop(False)

Desktop 1 still opens on monitor 0 and desktop 2 is now not on any of the monitors.