Draw rectangle to highlight and annotate a picture


I am trying to achieve the following and need some help on how I can do it in Ignition Perspective.

  • From a perspective screen user should be able to open a camera, take a picture then highlight a certain section of the picture by drawing a rectangle.

  • User should be able to change the border color of the rectangle.

  • User should be able to annotate the picture - write some text about the highlighted section of the picture.

  • User should be able to upload/save this annotated picture.

I'll greatly appreciate any input in this regard.
I can live without the annotation part, but rectangle part must be done.

Thanks & regards,
Ajay Kumar Gupta

You can check out this demo. This one uses PDFs, but can be easily modified to upload images.

It is available on the Exchange.

Thank you very much for pointing me to the exchange project.!!
I'll have look into it.