I know I'm wandering through unsupported territory, but I'm hoping I can get some unofficial help from the community.
Our production server has around 1 million tags on MQTT Engine. I am trying to export those tags' configs for analysis/backup/whatever. You cannot export MQTT Engine tag configs normally in Designer. Trying to do it in scripting with system.tag.getConfiguration thrashes the server pretty hard and seemed to miss many tags. I couldn't find a reason why tags were being misssed, and was feeling nervous about repeatedly thrashing the server just to try again. For better or worse, I decided to take a recent copy of the production config.idb SQLite file, and make my own offline exporter tool.
All in all, the process wasn't awful, but I've found some inconsistencies in the TAGCONFIG table along the way that I suspect are debris left behind over the years from issues in Ignition.
If anyone wants to have a discussion about the concept of a TAGCONFIG-fsck, I've got a lot to say, but for now I have one particular oddity I can't figure out: I'm finding many pairs of TAGCONFIG rows that have the same FOLDERID and NAME. I can't tell which one is "dominant" or if Ignition is somehow merging them when it loads the TAGCONFIG table.
Has anyone ever gone this deep into TAGCONFIG and have any helpful comments?