Dynamic components in Perspective

Hello guys,
at the moment I’m working on a Vision Project where i build an image in this way using script :

  • Inside a Container component i create a PMIRectangle
  • Using again PMIRectangles i create object inside parent shape
  • I create few PMICirlces miming welding points

I’m almost at a good point on it, but since I only started working on this project, i was wondering why don’t switch to Perspective.

Can someone please point me at some docs, i would like to know if i could achive the same using the new evoironment.

I paste my code to let you know which components I’m using, and if there is something similar to have the same result,
thanks for your time.

import com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.components.PMIRectangle
import com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.components.PMICircle
import math
from java.awt.event import MouseAdapter
from java.awt.event import MouseListener

class ScreenMouseListener(MouseAdapter):

	def __init__(self, itemInfo, pmiItem):
		self.itemInfo = itemInfo
		self.pmiItem = pmiItem
	def mousePressed(self, event):
		#event.getSource().parent.selectedItemPoint = str(self.item['centerPoint'])
		#print dir(event.getSource().parent)
		#props = event.getSource().parent.getDynamicProps()
		#print type(props)
		#print props.get(selectedItemPoint").value
		#props.put("selectedItemPoint", "cammello")
		#event.getSource().parent.setDynamicProps({'selectedItemPoint': 'a'})
		if self.itemInfo['mousePressedDelegate'] is not None : 
	#def mouseReleased(self, event):
		#event.source.parent.SelectedNesting = str(self.item['centerPoint'])
	def mouseClicked(self, event):
			self.pmiItem.getX()+5, self.pmiItem.getY()+5,
	#def mouseEntered(self, event):
	#	self.pmiItem.setBackground( 
	#		system.gui.color(
	#			self.itemInfo["colorHovered"]['r'],
	#			self.itemInfo["colorHovered"]['g'],
	#			self.itemInfo["colorHovered"]['b'],
	#			self.itemInfo["colorHovered"]['h'])
	#	)
		#	self.pmiItem, 
		#	self.pmiItem.getX()-5, self.pmiItem.getY()-5,
		#	self.pmiItem.getWidth()+10, self.pmiItem.getHeight()+10

	#def mouseExited(self, event):
	#	self.pmiItem.setBackground( 
	#		system.gui.color(
	#			self.itemInfo["color"]['r'],
	#			self.itemInfo["color"]['g'],
	#			self.itemInfo["color"]['b'],
	#			self.itemInfo["color"]['h'])
	#	)
		#	self.pmiItem, 
		#	self.itemInfo["centerPoint"]['y'], self.itemInfo["centerPoint"]['x'],
		#	self.itemInfo['width'], self.itemInfo['height']

def cleanCanvas(canvasContainer):
def canvasRefreshUI(canvasContainer):

def canvasPaintInsideWrapperFrame(canvas, rectangle):
	canvasPaintRectangle(canvas, rectangle)

def canvasPaintCircle(canvasContainer, circle):

	# controllo tipo rect		
	errMessages = []
	if not "radius" in circle : errMessages.append('radius parameter missing in dict')
	else : 
		circle['width'] = circle['radius']
		circle['height'] = circle['radius']
	if not "color" in circle : errMessages.append('color parameter missing in dict')
	else :
		if not "r" in circle['color'] : errMessages.append('color.r parameter missing in dict')
		if not "g" in circle['color'] : errMessages.append('color.g parameter missing in dict')
		if not "b" in circle['color'] : errMessages.append('color.b parameter missing in dict')
		if not "h" in circle['color'] : errMessages.append('color.h parameter missing in dict')
	if not "centerPoint" in circle : errMessages.append('centerPoint parameter missing in dict')
	else :
		if not "x" in circle['centerPoint'] : errMessages.append('centerPoint.x parameter missing in dict')
		if not "y" in circle['centerPoint'] : errMessages.append('centerPoint.y parameter missing in dict')
	if errMessages : raise Exception('\n'.join(errMessages))
	## rectangle adesso dovrebbe essere cosi 
	# {'height': 100, 'width':100, 
	#  'color': {'r':100, 'g':100, 'b':100, 'h':100}, 
	#  'colorHovered': {'r':100, 'g':100, 'b':100, 'h':100}, 
	#  'centerPoint': {'x':125, 'y':125}, 
	#  'mousePressedDelegate': None}
	c = com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.components.PMICircle()
	c.setBackground( system.gui.color(circle["color"]['r'],circle["color"]['g'],circle["color"]['b'],circle["color"]['h']) )
	c.setForeground( system.gui.color(100,100,0) )
	c.outline = False
	if circle['mousePressedDelegate']:
		c.addMouseListener(ScreenMouseListener(circle, c))
	#(component, [newX], [newY], [newWidth], [newHeight], [duration], [callback], [framesPerSecond], [acceleration], [coordSpace])
	#system.gui.transform(rettangolo, (disposizione[0][0] * costantOfScale), (disposizione[0][1] * costantOfScale), larghezza, altezza)
	system.gui.transform(c, circle["centerPoint"]['y'], circle["centerPoint"]['x'], circle['height'], circle['width'])

def canvasPaintRectangle(canvasContainer, rectangle):
	# controllo tipo rect		
	errMessages = []
	if not "height" in rectangle : errMessages.append('height parameter missing in dict')
	if not "width" in rectangle : errMessages.append('width parameter missing in dict')
	if not "color" in rectangle : errMessages.append('color parameter missing in dict')
	else :
		if not "r" in rectangle['color'] : errMessages.append('color.r parameter missing in dict')
		if not "g" in rectangle['color'] : errMessages.append('color.g parameter missing in dict')
		if not "b" in rectangle['color'] : errMessages.append('color.b parameter missing in dict')
		if not "h" in rectangle['color'] : errMessages.append('color.h parameter missing in dict')
	if not "centerPoint" in rectangle : errMessages.append('centerPoint parameter missing in dict')
	else :
		if not "x" in rectangle['centerPoint'] : errMessages.append('centerPoint.x parameter missing in dict')
		if not "y" in rectangle['centerPoint'] : errMessages.append('centerPoint.y parameter missing in dict')
	if errMessages : raise Exception('\n'.join(errMessages))
	rettangolo = com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.components.PMIRectangle()
	rettangolo.setBackground( system.gui.color(rectangle["color"]['r'],rectangle["color"]['g'],rectangle["color"]['b'],rectangle["color"]['h']) )
	rettangolo.setForeground( system.gui.color(100,100,0) )
	if rectangle['mousePressedDelegate']:
		rettangolo.addMouseListener(ScreenMouseListener(rectangle, rettangolo))

	rettangolo.overrideHeight = rectangle['height']
	rettangolo.overrideWidth = rectangle['width']
	if "rotation" in rectangle :
		if rectangle['rotation']:
			rettangolo.overrideSize = True
			latoLungoFrame = math.sqrt(math.pow(rectangle['height'], 2) + math.pow(rectangle['width'], 2))
			rectangle['width'] = latoLungoFrame
			rectangle['height'] = latoLungoFrame
	#(component, [newX], [newY], [newWidth], [newHeight], [duration], [callback], [framesPerSecond], [acceleration], [coordSpace])
	#system.gui.transform(rettangolo, (disposizione[0][0] * costantOfScale), (disposizione[0][1] * costantOfScale), larghezza, altezza)
	system.gui.transform(rettangolo, rectangle["centerPoint"]['y'], rectangle["centerPoint"]['x'], rectangle['height'], rectangle['width'])
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Adding components at runtime is possible with Vision but utterly unsupported. I haven’t seen anything that suggests it is possible with Perspective.

The supported technique in Vision is the Template Canvas.

The supported technique in Perspective is the View Canvas.

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Thank you Phil, very useful as always.
Didn’t know about template canvas, and it seems a much cleaner way to achieve the same result on Ignition.