Dynamic group movement

Hello ,
I'd like to know how to modify the X and Y position dynamically in relation to an int tag in a group containing text and shapes.
thank you.

Hi, and welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

Is this for vision or perspective? The question hints at vision, but it's good to be on the same page.

Hello ,
thank you for the welcome
yes it's for Vision

This doc might be helpful for you:


Thank you,
but where do I write this code to animate the group?

If you want the code to update whenever a tag value is updated then I'd recommend you create a custom prop on your component (group, container, etc) then bind your tag or a timer to the property.

Then on the component use code like this on the propertyChange event handler script on the component:

# Easier for repeatability you can also have multiple properties move this component
def moveComponent(xPosition, yPosition):

	DURATION = 500 # Duration is in ms, if left blank then the transform will happen straight away.

	system.gui.transform(event.source, newX=xPosition, newY=yPosition, duration=DURATION)

if event.propertyName == "customPropName1":

	# Get your x and y values here and assign them to a variable (can be done by reading a tag, etc).
	x = 100
	y = 100
	moveComponent(x, y)

elif event.propertyName == "customPropName2":

	# Get your x and y values here and assign them to a variable (can be done by reading a tag, etc).
	x = 110
	y = 110
	moveComponent(x, y)

Hopefully this helps!

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Thank you,
it worked

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