Attached is a screenshot of my udt definition. I wanted to create a filler udt. there is some variability in the number of filling heads in the filler. I wanted to pass the number parameter to the head number. When I create the filler instance based on the number of head parameter values which can be anything between 6 to 28. I wanted the instance to create multiple head instances under the parent udt instance.
is it possible without going much into scripting? I am new to ignition and don't have much understanding of scripting.
You cannot do this, not even with scripting. When variable numbers of elements are needed , just use a normal tag folder.
You can use scripting to create the variable number of UDT instances, though.
@pturmel I tried the normal folder in the udt definition but once created it does not let me add any instances with in the folder. New tag/tag type both gets greyed out
I meant that you cannot have such a dynamic UDT structure at all. Just use a regular tag folder where you are currently trying to use a UDT.
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Asked slightly differently over here: