Easy Chart MIN/MAX

Guys I have an Easy Cart as a Template and I update the Tag_Path with Cell Update Binding depending on what Tag history is required. I also have Start/END date selected from calender popup.

Question is I also need to show MAX/MIN and average for that tag for the same period at the bottom of the page with the Legend. (Fairly common trend setup). Can someone please assist in a method to achieve my result please?


You may have to use the standard Chart for this. Take a look at the end of this video for some ideas.

Adam thanks, although I am not sure the video shows any max/min or average displays at the bottom of the chart?



Actually, I think I was wrong. The video I pointed to was showing an Easy Chart. Try to use the Calculated Pens at the bottom of the customizer to add your min, max and avg lines.

Adam again thanks, but I am not after the lines, I require to show those values at the bottom of the chart as numeric values.



Add a table to the page, bind the table to the tag history(s) for the tag you want using the tag path(use indrection for the whole tag path), bind the start time and stop time to the calender popup properties. Set the aggregation mode to min/max wide and “on change” (these work for me) polling mode to relative if you need this.

Now add a label or whatever you need to view the value, bind that label to an expression:

max({Root Container.Table.data},1)


min({Root Container.Table.data},1)

where {Root Container.Table.data} is the data property of the table you just made. And “1” is the column of the data you want. Column “0” is the t_stamp, if you are monitoring more than one tag then there will be additional columns

Then hide the table.

Chris thanks, that is the method I ended up using as well, exactly how you described. Just thought there may be a “nicer” way to achieve the result.

thanks for your input.