Easy Chart Printing - Can I add custom text to print?

A customer wants to allow a user to input a string of up to 25 characters as a Title when printing an Easy Chart. The component itself has a print button (which is currently what is used) but I can’t find a way to customize that button. I know there is a print() method for the chart, but again, I don’t see a way to customize the output of the print job.

I can kind of get there by placing the chart in a Container and adding a label above the chart in the label. The label text is set to ‘’ and visibility to False.
Then when a button component is clicked an input dialog can accept the title and the label text and visibility are set. The system.print. createPrintJob( component ) function can them be used to print the container, including the label. The the label text and visibility are then reset to ‘’ and False.

This seems a little cludgy to me as the label take us space even when the vis is false. I does work though.

Any ideas on a better way of doing this?