Easy Chart Realtime issues

Hi everyone.

I have this Easy Chart in Realtime mode, when I open the window it takes about 3 to 5 seconds to show the data. Here is how it looks when I open the window with the chart:

What I´m trying to achieve is that when I open the window it shows inmediately the data. Here is some additional information:

  • The poll rate of the graph is at 1,000
  • The tag History Resolution property is at 0
  • I created a Leased Tag Grouph with a Leased/Driven Rate of 100 for the tags I´m using in the graph.
  • In the History section of the propertys of the tag I´m using Sample Mode Periodic and a Sample Rate of 100 miliseconds.
  • My tags are connected to a CompactLogix 5380

Since these graphs are for display data from pumps, I have a graph for every pump, I have 5, but I don´t know why some graphs works fine and despite I have the same configurations the other takes this time to show the data when the window is open. Also once the graph displays the tags, it is not as in realtime I would like to, the tags update every 1 or 2 seconds and always shows that loading animation:

I´m not sure what I´m missing. I would appreciate any comments and recomendations. Thanks!

That means the historian queries are slower than your poll rate. You are pushing your database harder than it can handle.

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