Easy chart vs. chart - same value, different display


We want to display a normal tag with value range between 0,05 - 2,50 FLOAT
The tag is configured with TAG HISTORY.

If we put the Tag in a normal chart without any configuration we get immediately the chart with the running values.
If we put it in easy char, the pens still hang on value 2 or 1. Also if we use the chart mode “realtime”. I can’t display the decimal point values.

I don’t find the solution that i can display the values in easy chart like in the normal one.


I recall there being an older bug where the EasyChart started rounding to integers. Since fixed, IIRC. What version of Ignition is this?

Version: 7.9.1

I recommend loading v7.9.14 into a VM and testing your data with it in trial mode. Then consider upgrading.