Easy? to implement feature requests

I recently made a couple feature requests that would save me a lot of time and effort, and should be pretty easy to implement. Please vote...

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I commented on these. The first is definitely not easy, for the parts that aren't already possible (floating script tabs). The latter I could only support as a non-default option.


Also note that script tabs can be floated into a separate window

Holy cow I didn't know that !
Actually took me a while to find how to do it after reading your comment, so here it is: just right click on the tabs themselves, there are options there to float your script tabs



The ability to float the library scripts is a key reason I'm adamant that events (and transforms) should always delegate to a library function. You can edit the event or its container while also tweaking the library function. Major productivity boost.


Well the bindings and events windows are popups and naturally float, so I used to move those out of the way, so I could have the library in the designer and the event popup somewhere else.
But floating the library is much better !

Improving the tree in the project library is high on my list of "nice to have"s, but probably won't make the cut for 8.3.0. Some minor release after that, though, definitely.


You mean all those times I was flipping back and forth between the script library and the window/view I could have just floated the script? Hahaha wow. This literally makes work so much easier.


Yup. This was a major win for me for getting my clients upgraded to v8.1.

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Open question: any ideas for how we could make this more discoverable? It's more relevant in 8.3, since we added floating to a few more workspaces.


Make it so that dragging the tabs, causes them to float.


Add it to the designer tree's context menu for those nodes. Not just in the tab's label's menu.


Maybe also a button next to the script hint scope that says like "Pop Out" or something, feel like users will click and it and be like "oh thats what that does"

Exactly this, first thing I tried.

At this point you're already kinda-sorta looking up method names as they are typed in, perhaps an option in the pop-up there to directly open the related script in a floating window?


Exactly my thoughts! Glad I opened this post!