Edge Compatibility

Is there a documented way to make a module compatible with Edge?

I have combed through the SDK and javadocs and am not finding any obvious way to do it.

Simply not allowed, by IA policy. The only third party that has Edge support is Cirrus Link.

Edit: no longer true. See below.

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Ahhh, do you happen to know if thats documented somewhere?

Not off the top of my head. But I've run into it myself.

It's worded a bit strangely on the Edge product page:

How is Edge Different from Standard Ignition?
The capabilities of Ignition Edge are more limited than those of the standard Ignition platform. Edge has no database connectivity and comes with 35 days of internal data storage for historical and event logging. Edge allows for only one tag provider, can run only one Ignition project at a time, and does not run standard Ignition modules.

Enhancing Edge Products
While standard Ignition Modules don’t work on Edge, there are additional modules and drivers for Edge, like the Totalflow and ROC drivers for Oil & Gas, OPC COM DA Module, and MQTT modules offered by our Strategic Partner, Cirrus Link Solutions. To get additional modules for Edge IIoT or Edge Panel, contact your IA account representative to discuss options.

I think sales has made some exceptions in the past for maybe other driver modules, but I'm not sure. Generally, and especially if its your own module you're trying to deploy, Edge is off limits.


How is Edge Different from Standard Ignition?

The capabilities of Ignition Edge are more limited than those of the standard Ignition platform. Edge has no database connectivity and comes with 35 days of internal data storage for historical and event logging. Edge allows for only one tag provider, can run only one Ignition project at a time, and does not run standard Ignition modules.

Doesn't explicitly say so, but by extension if it doesn't run standard Ignition modules then it isn't going to run 3rd party ones...

Ahh, this makes more sense.

Its unfortunate, this is actually for a developer focused module and not really adding additional project features to the product, in this case its just adding a couple endpoints to frontend the system.tag.configure and system.tag.getConfiguration features via REST endpoints for automated development setups. i.e. When I go from one branch to another, have all my tags change automatically as well and keep them exported as needed. Also for another one we use that will automatically trigger a project scan and designer update when we save our code in VS Code. Two very "dev" focused modules

It would be nice if there was some way to delineate a "dev" module from a real production one so that it could be used on an edge gateway the same was we use it on full gateways.

Modules can trivially end run many of the Edge restrictions so we simply can't allow people to deploy unknown modules to Edge Gateways.

I think this is fair, it would be nice if there was a process to make them "known" and "approved", but once again understand that its more complex than that.

Maybe some day :man_shrugging:

If you've paid any attention to Edge over the years you know it just seems to evolve and continue to target the trend du jour.


I recently received approval to sell into Edge, for my flagship drivers, and for the Integration Toolkit. (You get the latter automatically with a driver purchase, as it remains free. A driver sale gives me a chance to include it in the whitelist.)

Announcements here and here.

The key, of course, is that these modules provide no forbidden functionality in Edge.

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