Edit Tag Group settings via script?

I need to make changes to a tag group on 15 gateways connected via the GAN, but can't do this through the EAM since it's a gw configuration which can't be sent :confused: I don't want to connect to 15x designers to change this since i'm lazy and that's a LOT of logging in. Hence..

How can I edit tag groups via script?

Nevermind, my initial search yielded nothing but I found a post :slight_smile:

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Maybe this will help someone...
This will create or replace a tag group called "Test" set to Direct mode, OPC Polled (not subscribed), @ 1000ms.

import traceback
from com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway import IgnitionGateway
from com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.tags import config
from com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.config import PropertyValue, BasicPropertySet
from com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.tags.config import CommonTagGroupProperties, TagGroupMode
from com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.tags.config.types import OpcTagGroupProperties
from com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.sqltags.model.types import OpcDataMode
	# gets the tag provider object
	provider = IgnitionGateway.get().getTagManager().getTagProvider('default')
	# gets the existing tag groups objects -- not actually used in the rest of the code
	tagGroups = provider.getTagGroupsAsync().get()
	# create a new tag group which is just a basic property set
	newTagGroupConfig = BasicPropertySet()
	# add properties into the property set that relate to the Tag Group configuration
	# first set the Tag Group's name
	newTagGroupConfig.set(PropertyValue(CommonTagGroupProperties.Name, 'Test'))
	newTagGroupConfig.set(PropertyValue(CommonTagGroupProperties.Mode, TagGroupMode.Direct))
	newTagGroupConfig.set(PropertyValue(CommonTagGroupProperties.Rate, 1000))
	newTagGroupConfig.set(OpcTagGroupProperties.OPC_DATA_MODE, OpcDataMode.Polled)
	# create a new tag group configuration object
	newConfig = config.TagGroupConfiguration(newTagGroupConfig)
	# add/replace the new tag group to the gateway
	result = provider.saveTagGroupsAsync([newConfig]).get()
	system.perspective.print('Result: {}'.format(result))

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