Email Alert, dynamic recipients

I need to specify an address list for alarms for each project.
This list should be updated via screen, so i need a mem tag or db data.

I’ve noticed the recipients in the alert profile are not writable by the client and the destination mail is not defined in the alert tab of each tag.

how can i get my system working?

Studying the Distribution list system, maybe i found what i want: the addresses are specified in the DB and i can get some filtering:

in Show advanced properties - Pre-Process Filter Criteria i see
Path A filter string used to filter notification of alerts by their path.

does “alert path” stand for “tag path”?
i group my tags using folders named like the project, so i think i can insert there the folder name and i’m ok, is it?

Yes, that path refers to the “tag path” of the alert. So using that pre-process filter for “Path”, you can filter out which alerts will be passed through by their path. For example, say you have some tags with alerts in a folder named “Alerts”, and some tags with alerts in another folder named “Alerts2”. If you only care about sending emails for alerts in the “Alerts” folder, you can set the filter to “Alerts/*”, which means that all tags within that folder (and its subfolders) will be allowed through.