Email to text alarms stopped working

I have several customers that have had issues with their text messages not coming to their phones. The phone carrier is either Verizon or AT&T. The email account shows the message as being sent. So the issue isn't with Ignition. I was wondering if anyone else here has run into this issue and how you resolved it.

I was affected by AT&T's nationwide outage last month, but they've resolved that problem.

This isn't an outage issue. It has to do with using the email to text that is available on all major cell providers.

I'm assuming you're emailing to their vtext account to send the text to a Verizon account.

We've noticed that sending emails to phones in that way became unreliable recently.

We migrated all of our mobile messages to twilio (virtual SMS) and it has been reliable so far.

Is there an additional cost for this? How does it work?

I think you pay a few cents per message. My boss handles the twilio side so I'm not certain.

I think he manages a twilio account and it is charged a few cents every message it sends out. He manages an account that handles all the messages but I don't know the details.

There's info in the docs about the Twilio SMS notification module, but Steve is correct that there are ongoing costs. I believe this is the correct pricing page: SMS Pricing in United States for Text Messaging | Twilio