Embedded text input not updating text, not triggering event

I have Text input filed which is embedded. On this embedded view onchange script is bound to value parameter. But when I change value parameter using python the embedded view is not refreshed and onchange script is not fired even though in logs it shows that value has been updated. What am I doing wrong ? When I manually fill some characters to the text field everything works.

did you mark the view param(in the embedded view) as input + output?

(highlighted one)

I found that on change scripts don’t fire on params. I bind value to custom props. Maybe victor’s way works too?

They definitly fire on params for me usually, tho idk about this particular case

Maybe it was just on initial passing of the params when the component loads? 🤷

You also ofc have to make the binding to the param bidirectional xd
but its def working for me

one step closer - I bind text property of text input to the param and text is updating but onchange is not firing

is the binding bidirectional?
is the viewparam bidirectional?

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yes viewparam is bidirrectional

I see no onchange scripts or bidirrectional bindings to any of the embedded views xd

could you also provide the embedded view itself?

These are the params of embedded input text type

This is a message handler which receives value and sets value param

This is a change script which is set on Value

I tried also changing param isValid to true programatically but nothing happened.

Okay this is really weird, now I set isValid param to True again and suddenly its working
self.getChild("ColumnContainer").getChild("productionOrderIdFlexInput").props.params.isValid = True

Im really not following the code, but it works now? xd

yes, it is :slight_smile:

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