Embedded view default size in Coordinate

Hi everyone,

I noticed that since my last update to version 8.1.37 something changed in the way I used to embed views into a Coordinate container in Perspective.

I need to repeatedly embed a view containing a single button over an image (P&Id) and I used to do it with tags drag&drop (the view is linked to their UDT).
The results was an embedded button having the size of the embedded view as in the picture below.

Now the problem is when I drag and drop a tag the associated embedded view default size is way bigger and I would need to manually resize them all.

I've already tried with useDefaultViewWidth and useDefaultViewHeight and here's the result.

Any idea?
Thank you!

I think this was fixed for 8.1.38?


Thank you, upgrading to 8.1.38 solved the issue.

Thanks for bringing this up! However, I am having this issue when I have a binding on the dropped view's prop "defaultSize/height". Both the width and height of the instance are set to 320 when dragging and dropping a UDT instance with the prop "dropConfig/udts" to my coordinate container (action set as "path") . Remove or disable the aforementioned binding, it works great. I got the same results with a binding on "defaultSize/width" as well.

I also get similar results when dragging and dropping the dropped view from the Project Browser, except only the bound width and/or height are not default. They also get set to 800 instead of 320.

I am using 8.1.38.

Thanks, I hope this helps.