Embedding a different Perspective project in a Perspective view

Does anyone know of a way to embed a perspective project from a different gateway into a perspective screen? I've tried using the iframe component with no look. I only get this error.

  1. Can you browse directly to the other gateway?
  2. If so, are you using that exact URL in the iFrame?
  3. "Redirected you too many times" usually means there's a circular reference as though the page you're trying to iFrame is pointing back to the calling page. Is it?

Yes I can browse directly to the other gateway from the current gateway and I've double checked the URL which is just the gateway address of the other gateway. I have no problem accessing the project's gateway ignition webpage, but not the other ignition gateway webpage. I don't know have bindings/scripts/etc. that would mess with the src property. Not sure exactly how it would circular reference.

That's not what's required. The client PC's browser must be able to access both gateways directly. The iFrame component doesn't pass the request for the second gateway's HTTP request back to the first gateway. It sends it directly from the client's browser to the second gateway.

  1. Confirm that you can view the respective pages on both gateways from the client.
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Yes, I can access both gateways from my client's browser as well.

Read through the posts in the thread below and see if they help determine the problem.