Empty timestamp in Alert Summary


Those alarms are not active. You are showing the active timestamp in the table but you have the filters to show all alarms, cleared and active.

at this point i suppose the problem was generated when i switched from the INTERNAL alarm log to the DB log.
just now i’ve deleted log records in the DB but i can see the not-timestamped alarms in the table.

I don’t think you are looking at the alarm history. The alarm summary table only shows the current status.

i want in that table:

Active and Acked alarms
Clear and Unacked alarms
Clear and Acked alarms

Is a Clear alarm different from an Alarm History one?

Ok, I am a little confused. What exactly are you trying to see?

i placed 2 alert summaries in the screen.

  • on the first i want every active alarm, that user could ack
  • on the second i want ended alarms or acked ones, so the user can see historical issues

to get this, i set different filters on the summeries:

  • on the first i checked only the Active and Unacked alarms
  • on the second i checked only the Active and Acked, Clear and Unacked, Clear and Acked alarms

the first summary is OK. the second summary is showing me old alerts, without timestamp, i don’t have in the DB. how is it possible?

The alarm summary component only shows the current status of alerts. So if the alert is not active there won’t be an active timestamp. You need to replace the second table with a regular table component that is bound to an alert history function binding. That way you can bring back alarms stored in the database.