Has anyone ran a button script to enable/disable alarms in a specified tag folder? Basically looking to use the checkbox component to enable/disable alarm evaluation for a group of tags under the same tag folder. This is for Perspective btw.
From Ignition Manual
Applicable Tag Type: OPC, Query, Expression, Derived, Reference, Memory
Manual suggests that an OPC tag can be used such as a Checkbox mapped to an OPC tag, I am also having trouble to have it evaluate as it seems it only takes parameters values to it.
Gonna try a couple more things but wanted to see if you had any progress on this?
You can directly write to the properties of tags including Alarm Eval. Expand the Tag in the Tag Browser, and right-click the specific property to copy the path. Then try writing to it as you'd expect.
Tagpath example: [default]Inventory.AlarmEvalEnabled
You can then write/read it as you would a tag.
For example system.tag.writeBlocking(["[default]Inventory.AlarmEvalEnabled"], [0])
If using a UDT, you could also add a parameter and link it, but that isn't necessary to just write to a group of tags and update their properties.