Equipment Schedule - Current Time Event

I’m looking to create a production schedule in Perspective using the Equipment Schedule. What I want to have happen is that the different parts that get scheduled can fire an event that writes to a tag to our Andon boards. If I have a schedule laid out on the Equipment Schedule component, is there a way to fire an event when the current time is at the start of a part event?

After thinking about it, it might not be with the Equipment Schedule component itself, but with a database that stores the scheduled events and a gateway script triggers the tag write, but I’m not sure how to have a dynamic script to trigger when the scheduled part time is equal to the current time.

After thinking about it, it might not be with the Equipment Schedule component itself, but with a database that stores the scheduled events and a gateway script triggers the tag write, but I’m not sure how to have a dynamic script to trigger when the scheduled part time is equal to the current time.

I agree with your train of thought here; if you fire an event on the Equipment Schedule component, the event will only fire when the Perspective View is open. You will have more consistency with your tag writes if you check the schedule times vs. the current time in a gateway event timer script every minute (or what time resolution you prefer). How are you populating your Equipment Schedule component? Where do those schedules come from? Are you initially adding them to the component, or are they coming from a database? If it is from a database, you can run a query in your gateway timer script.

Oh, good point about the component only working when it’s loaded in a Perspective view! Yes, I was planning to store things in a database (read and write), so I’ll go that route then. Thanks!