Equipment Schedule: How to change width of header column?

Maybe somebody knows how to fix a width of column on the left in Equipment Schedule component, which represent header of items? Right now it depends on length of Label, but I would like to know the width of this column, and be able to change it, if it’s possible.
Thank you.

Any updates?

I did a quick probe of the component, and I was able to get the width of the header list from a button like this:

def getComponentOfClass(container, componentClass):
	for component in container.components:
		if component.__class__.__name__ == componentClass:
			return component
		foundComponent = getComponentOfClass(component, componentClass)
		if foundComponent:
			return foundComponent

headerList = getComponentOfClass(event.source.parent.getComponent('Equipment Schedule'), 'EquipmentScheduleView$ItemHeaderList')
print headerList.width
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