Error connecting to Kepware OPC Server 6.4 from Ignition 7.7.1

Installed a trial of Kepware Server EX 6.4 and am trying to connect to it from my Ignition server. I followed the directions at but am getting an “faulted” status and error of “no acceptable UserTokenPolicy present on selected endpoint”. I have tried switching between the IP address and localhost when making the connection but that doesn’t seem to help. I did trust the client from within the Kepware server as stated in the instructions. Any ideas?

“no acceptable UserTokenPolicy present on selected endpoint” means either:

  • you’re trying to connect without a username and password configured but Kepware requires one.
  • you’re trying to connect with a username and password but Kepware does not want one.

Hmm - interesting. When I created the connection in Ignition I left the username/password fields blank as instructed, and didn’t specifically set a username/password on the Kepware side when installing it?

I don’t think Kepware allows anonymous connections by default. Check the UA configuration area.

I hit the same issue and needed to enable “None” for the UA Configuration security types and in the Kepware project had to “Allow Anonymous connections”. In my case, I also needed to configure firewall to allow port 49320 to communicate in/out.