Error deleting partition

Hi All,

I keep getting all these errors in the System Console as shown here:
[attachment=0]Trend Errors.jpg[/attachment]

The partitions don’t exist!
Is there any way I can stop these messages appearing? They are clogging up the Error Log.


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Try restarting the Tag Historian Module, and then the Gateway. If you’re still having issues, try removing the references to those partitions from the sqlth_partitions table, then restarting the Tag Historian module (and the Gateway as well, if you’re still having issues).


Thanks Paul,

Deleting the records from the sqlth_partitions table that didn’t have matching tables did the trick.

I have the same issue. Deleted the tables as suggested in sqlth_partitions and restarted the Tag historian module, but then the gateway re-created both entries.

I guess it did do the trick. Those tables have now been created and no more errors.