Trying to write to a tag the results of a query on a button press. This is script:
r = system.db.runUpdateQuery(query, "MurakamiSQL")
This is error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "event:mousePressed", line 2, in
java.lang.Exception: java.lang.Exception: Error executing system.db.runUpdateQuery(SELECT * FROM FORECASTS, MurakamiSQL, , false)caused by Exception: Error executing system.db.runUpdateQuery(SELECT * FROM FORECASTS, MurakamiSQL, , false)
caused by GatewayException: SQL error for "SELECT * FROM FORECASTS": A result set was generated for update.
caused by SQLServerException: A result set was generated for update.Ignition v8.0.2 (b2019060511)
Java: Azul Systems, Inc. 11.0.3
Am I just misunderstanding this? Shouldn't I be getting a result set, and shouldn't it be writing to the tag?