Error Query SQL multiple select

Hello everyone

I have a problem with the following query

SELECT (SELECT Dato FROM Dato_Medidor WHERE Linea = 'ELFO_006_Oficinas') as 'ELFO_006',
(SELECT Dato FROM Dato_Medidor WHERE Linea = 'ELFO_007_Oficinas') as 'ELFO_007',
(SELECT Dato FROM Dato_Medidor WHERE Linea = 'ELFO_008_Oficinas') as 'ELFO_008',
(SELECT Dato FROM Dato_Medidor WHERE Linea = 'ELFO_009_Oficinas') as 'ELFO_009',
(SELECT Dato FROM Dato_Medidor WHERE Linea = 'ELFO_010_Oficinas') as 'ELFO_010',
FROM Dato_Medidor where CONVERT (DATE,Fecha) = CONVERT (DATE,GETDATE ())

it returns the following error

> Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

I want to divide the data that comes from the "Data" field into columns

Hello Antonio,

Are you using SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle or Postgre?

I think you can achieve what you want to do (if it is SQL Server) with a PIVOT, I hope you have a column for the date :laughing:, check this out:

	SELECT Fecha, Linea, Dato FROM Dato_Medidor
) src
	MAX(Dato) FOR Linea IN ([ELFO_006_Oficinas], 
	[ELFO_007_Oficinas], [ELFO_008_Oficinas], [ELFO_009_Oficinas], 
	[ELFO_009_Oficinas], [ELFO_010_Oficinas])
) AS pvt

If your database is not SQL Server, then I will have to do some research for a similar option (I think I did this in Oracle too).

You can send me a private message in spanish if you want as I asume you speak spanish by reading the names of your columns :thinking:

about the = > < you should use " "