Error Type Conversion in OPC tags

can any one suggest, how to solve this issue

Change the Ignition tag Data Type to Long?

it is giving heavy value, which is not actual value.

Then perhaps you have the wrong address. Maybe off by one? Or the "swap words" setting needs to be enabled on that device configuration.

HRUI means a 32-bit unsigned value by combining 2 adjacent registers. Do you have some other software that shows the correct value?

yes i was using kepware EX. over there it getting correct value.

Why did you use HRUI as the address instead of just HR?

It is giving nearest value, but not actual value.

Off by one address maybe? Does HR165 give you the expected value?

If not, compare Wireshark captures between the two software.

no, it is also not giving expected value. and also 165 is another tag address.

Maybe. Ignition starts Modbus addresses at 1, like the Modbus spec does. Other software starts it at 0. I don't know what Kepware does.

Use Wireshark and you'll see exactly what registers are being read and what value is being received.

Thanks for the answer. I'll try it.