Error when trying to create a module using Gradle

Hi ,

I am trying to create a module using Gradle following the steps here Create a Module | Ignition SDK Programmer's Guide

Did following steps . I am using gradle-8.1.1 and tired with both Java 22 and Java 17

  1. git clone GitHub - inductiveautomation/ignition-module-tools: Tools that help in the creation and development of Modules for Inductive Automation's Ignition.

  2. Opened the directory containing ignition-module-tools.Navigated one level down into generator. Opened a command prompt in this directory and run the following: gradlew.bat clean build

Getting below error:

C:\my\Code\official\Igntion\Modules\ignition-module-tools-master\generator>gradlew.bat clean build
Type-safe project accessors is an incubating feature.
> Task :generator-cli:spotlessKotlinCheck FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':generator-cli:spotlessKotlinCheck'.
> The following files had format violations:
          @@ -1,189 +1,189 @@
          - * This Kotlin source file was generated by the Gradle 'init' task.\n
          - */\n
          -import io.ia.ignition.module.generator.ModuleGenerator\n
          -import io.ia.ignition.module.generator.api.GeneratorConfigBuilder\n
          -import io.ia.ignition.module.generator.api.GradleDsl\n
          -import org.slf4j.Logger\n
          -import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory\n
          -import picocli.CommandLine\n
          -import picocli.CommandLine.Command\n
          -import picocli.CommandLine.HelpCommand\n
          -import picocli.CommandLine.Option\n
          -import java.time.Duration\n
          -import java.time.Instant\n
          -import java.util.concurrent.Callable\n
          -    name = "ignition-module-gen",\n
          -    version = ["0.4.0"],\n
          -    description = ["Generates an Ignition module skeleton according to provided arguments."],\n
          -    subcommands = [HelpCommand::class],\n
          -    mixinStandardHelpOptions = true\n
          -class ModuleGeneratorCli : Callable<Int> {\n
          -    /**\n
          -     *\n
          -     */\n
          -    @Option(names = ["-s", "--scope"], description = ["Shorthand scope String like 'DCG'"])\n
          -    var scope: String? = null\n
          -    /**\n
          -     *\n
          -     */\n
          -    @Option(\n
          -        names = ["-d", "--directory"],\n
          -        description = ["Absolute path to directory where new project should be created. Default's to cli working dir."]\n
          -    )\n
          -    var directory: String? = File("").absolutePath\n
          -    /**\n
          -     *\n
          -     */\n
          -    @Option(\n
          -        names = ["-n", "--name"],\n
      ... (330 more lines that didn't fit)
  Violations also present in:
  Run 'gradlew.bat :generator-cli:spotlessApply' to fix these violations.

* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

10 actionable tasks: 9 executed, 1 up-to-date