Hello everyone,
I've made a template in Perspective, that allows me to monitor and configure a Phoenix Contact Caparoc Circuit Breaker. This template is connected to an according UDT that has a relatively complex structure. The connection between the tags in the PLC and Ignition Gateway works just fine, i can monitor and display all the tags in the UDT and the data is correct. The perspective template also displays all the data correctly.
To configure some values I am using a numeric entry field with a indirect bidirectional tag binding. These values are defined as a Byte-Array withing the Caparoc UDT. When I change these values in the PLC they are correctly displayed in the entry field. But as soon as I want to change the value via Ignition, i get the following error exception:
Error writing to tag '[default]Caparoc/slots/0/setup/setChannelCurrent': array element type mismatch.
Here a tag path to the value I want to manipulate:
Did anyone esle have a similar problem? Are there any ideas, what causes the error exception?