Ethernet/IP Host Device OPC Address

I'm using @pturmel 's Ethernet/IP v2 module to make a host simulation device from a L5X file.

In the PLC I have a tag UDT that has another UDT inside. The path to the tag in the PLC is Bin_1.Level.Input.

However, I'm not seeing that in the tag browser after adding the L5X. The OPC addresses that I'm seeing use an underscore instead of a period for anything that's not the root-level UDT (the last period).

So, instead of the expected Bin_1.Level.Input I have Bin_1_Level.Input.

Is this the expected behavior? Is this behavior different from the AB Logix Driver?

Send me the L5X, please. Sounds like a bug. I recently reworked L5X imports to fix other bugs, might have made a new regression.

(The only intended replacement of special characters is to clean up I/O tag names at the outer level.)

PM sent (using 2.1.13 (b240541805))

Source protection was on. My fault.