Event.Column not available?

While troubleshooting why object has no attribute 'column', I discovered this:

This is the onRowClick event. But, event.column shows up in the "IntelliSense" window in the onEditCellCommit event.

Why is this?
(The mystery was why two tables, with the same data source, and same event configurations, one table returned the error about the column attribute, but the other table worked perfectly fine. The operation being selecting checkboxes, either one or more. Somehow, I got the second table to function like the first, but I do not know why/how, yet. The driving force is to understand the event object better, as I was reading this post:

and Phil's comments here:

And of course the docs on the subject.

I really wanted to understand Greg's problem, besides attitude, and become much more acquainted with event scripting. As I dive deeper into working with tables, and attempting to recreate some function of other programs I am used to... It's a lot like tying knots. You learn some really good basic ones, but then you need something more secure, somewhat adjustable, easier to release, etc. So the rope or fishing line wraps and moves in more complex ways.

So the table I actually want to work with is throwing that same attribute error. Everything looks the same between the two.

The onRowClick for the working table is not enabled. :man_facepalming: And disabling that event for the currently not working table, allows it to work. But the question remains, why is the event.column availabe in the "IntelliSense" but throws an error?

Event objects are generic. They have the properties appropriate to the kind of event they come from. (You can use reflection to look closer at them, if you like.) That a row-click event supplies just row information make sense to me. Cell events naturally supply more location information.

Ok, so what is "reflection"?

And the row versus cell click makes perfect sense! Which, answers the question I just posited in the edited comments.

Reflection is runtime examination of live data types. Sometimes called introspection. See my inspect.py script for something that has been helping me look "under the hood" since the FactoryPMI days.

In python, the type() function and dir() function are the basis for figuring out what you have. Java has a set of more precise tools for looking up method signatures and field attributes, and bypassing protected/private markings.

See my Integration Toolkit's reflection section for verbose reflection of objects and types.

A printing of the system.reflect.pyObject(event, False) inside the onRowClick didn't give much useful info, I think. Attributes for various types, most of which are hidden by another type.

As for the coerced method, what is considered a class in an event, and how would I pass it?

Events are true java objects, use system.reflect.object().

I think I might be wading too far into the deep here, lol. And the weeds are getting thick...

Besides, why are we working on a holiday anyway?

Well, what can I do with this info?

class c.i.i.c.g.JsonObject
  extends class c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement implements Serializable
# Public Fields of c.i.i.c.g.JsonObject
# Public Methods of c.i.i.c.g.JsonObject
                                           public void add(String arg0, c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement arg1)
                                           public void addProperty(String arg0, String arg1)
                                           public void addProperty(String arg0, Boolean arg1)
                                           public void addProperty(String arg0, Character arg1)
                                           public void addProperty(String arg0, Number arg1)
             public Map<String, c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement> asMap()
         public bridge synthetic c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement deepCopy()
                           public c.i.i.c.g.JsonObject deepCopy()
  public Set<Map.Entry<String, c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement>> entrySet()
                                        public boolean equals(Object arg0)
                          public c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement get(String arg0)
                                     public BigDecimal getAsBigDecimal() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                                     public BigInteger getAsBigInteger() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                                        public boolean getAsBoolean() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                                           public byte getAsByte() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                                           public char getAsCharacter() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                                         public double getAsDouble() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                                          public float getAsFloat() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                                            public int getAsInt() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                            public c.i.i.c.g.JsonArray getAsJsonArray() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                            public c.i.i.c.g.JsonArray getAsJsonArray(String arg0)
                             public c.i.i.c.g.JsonNull getAsJsonNull() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                           public c.i.i.c.g.JsonObject getAsJsonObject() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                           public c.i.i.c.g.JsonObject getAsJsonObject(String arg0)
                        public c.i.i.c.g.JsonPrimitive getAsJsonPrimitive() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                        public c.i.i.c.g.JsonPrimitive getAsJsonPrimitive(String arg0)
                                           public long getAsLong() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                                         public Number getAsNumber() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                                          public short getAsShort() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                                         public String getAsString() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                          public final native Class<?> getClass() inherited from Object
                                        public boolean has(String arg0)
                                            public int hashCode()
                                        public boolean isEmpty()
                                        public boolean isJsonArray() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                                        public boolean isJsonNull() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                                        public boolean isJsonObject() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                                        public boolean isJsonPrimitive() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                                    public Set<String> keySet()
                              public final native void notify() inherited from Object
                              public final native void notifyAll() inherited from Object
                          public c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement remove(String arg0)
                                            public int size()
                                         public String toString() inherited from c.i.i.c.g.JsonElement
                                     public final void wait() inherited from Object
                              public final native void wait(long arg0) inherited from Object
                                     public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1) inherited from Object

You'll be towering over them soon enough.

I do non-billable stuff on evenings and weekends and holidays when I have the urge to code. (And lately I've been waking up having dreamed code for my upcoming historian option.) I monitor the forum when I'm coding. Short breaks help when my brain is on fire.

It's a summary of what you'd get from javadocs, chained together for all of the parent classes of the object, plus private details if you asked for verbose output. From, this, with some knowledge of how jython wraps java, lets you predict what should be shown in intellisense, if not suppressed.

Yeah, today is a good day for my brain. It's mostly quiet at work and I feel like I am making decent progress, except for stumbling through these weeds, :slight_smile: .
But I will save hacking them down for another day, when I realize that this project may require me to do so.