Exclude tag from asynch update monitoring

It would be nice if I could tell FSQL to ignore a tag in a group that is being monitored for changes. In a group monitoring the set points of a machine, I’d like to be able to write a 1 to a bit if any of the set points changes. I would like to use the handshake option to do this. The problem is that if the “success” bit is in the group, the group will trigger when it writes a 1, so I get two triggers and the “success” bit will never go low again. To get around this I had to make two groups. The first monitors the set points and an action item writes a 1 to a SQL table. The second group monitors that table and when it sees the 1, triggers. This is pretty round about, but it works for now.

I would think this feature wouldn’t be too complicated to include.

Yeah, that seems like it would be useful. We’ll add it to the feature request system and see what we can do.
