Export Multiple Tables to Single Excel spreadsheet

From this topic.

Sample window attached. The script in the button will export multiple tables and put them in separate sheets.

You may either download it from there or from here. Your choice! :wink:

EDIT: renamed topic to something making more sense… :laughing:
Export Multiple Table to Excel_2014-10-27_0935.proj (20.6 KB)

This link you provided is not working.

This is close to what I am looking for and was hoping to look at the project to help figure out what I needed. Can you possibly fix the download link?

Rats! I hate it when the forum drops my stuff.

Actually, it’s not needed anymore, since system.dataset.dataSetToExcel() has it built in (as of 7.9.8). You will need to make a list out of the datasets you use:

# get datasets
dataIn_1 = event.source.parent.getComponent('Table 1').data
dataIn_2 = event.source.parent.getComponent('Table 2').data

# create spreadsheet
spreadsheet = system.dataset.dataSetToExcel(1, [dataIn_1, dataIn_2])

# set file path to save the spreadsheet
filepath = 'c:/path/to/save/results.xls'

# write the file
system.file.writeFile(filepath, spreadsheet)

I Have Same Doubts In Perspective. How should i do this in perspective. i’ve multiple tables i want to export this tables one after another in a single excel sheet.
i using this Code…

data_1 = self.parent.getChild("FlexContainer").getChild("Table").props.data
data_2 = self.parent.getChild("FlexContainer").getChild("Table_0").props.data
fileName = 'Example File'
data_tab = [data_1,data_2]
datasetData = []
for tabName in data_tab:
	data = tabName
	headers = data[0].keys()
	for row in range(len(data)):
		rowData = []
		for col in range(len(headers)):
			cell = data[row][headers[col]]
			if hasattr(cell, 'value'):
	       finalDataset = system.dataset.toDataSet(headers,datasetData)		
excelFileName =  str(fileName) + ".xlsx"
excelBytes = system.dataset.toExcel(True,[finalDataset]) #returns .xls file as bytes
system.perspective.download(excelFileName, excelBytes)

i not get my desired output…
How should i need to modify this code…
i want…
each table print one after another with some space(One Column)…

i am new in this environment…
Thanks For Advance :slight_smile:

Hi @JordanCClark ,

I have created excel with 2 spreadsheet as you mentioned.Now the Spreadsheets names are (dataset,dateset1). But I need to Change that spreadsheet names.

I tried this one ,

sheetNames = ["Production", "Downtime"]
excelData = system.dataset.exportExcel(1,[Dataset, Dataset1], sheetNames)

But it is not working.

Any One Have A Idea Please Provide.

Thanks in advance!.

Not sure where the idea came from, but exportExcel() is not documented to accept sheet names.

Here is a modified version of a function I wrote in this thread:

def listToExcel(datasetList, fileName = '', sheetNames = 'Sheet {}', dateFormat = 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'):
	''' Convert a list of datasets to Excel
	    	datasetList:	The list of datasets to convert. Valid types are:
	        				- com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.BasicDataset
							- com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.script.builtin.DatasetUtilities$PyDataSet
							- com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.JsonDataset
			fileName:	The name to save the Excel file. If omitted, the output will be a byte array.
						This is useful to use with perspective (e.g. system.perspective.download)
			sheetNames:	List of names The tab name of the workbook. Default is Sheet 1, Sheet 2, etc.
			dateFormat:	How dates should be formatted, e.g. 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'. 
			            Note that Excel does not use capital letters, because... Microsoft.
			            The script will auto lower-case your format.       
	import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell as Cell
	import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row as Row
	import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet as Sheet
	import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook as Workbook
	import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook as XSSFWorkbook
	import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFDataFormat as XSSFDataFormat
	from java.io import FileOutputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream
	if fileName == '':
		output = ByteArrayOutputStream()
		output = FileOutputStream(fileName)
	# Create workbook
	wb = XSSFWorkbook()
	for sheetIndex, dsIn in enumerate(datasetList):
		dsType = str(type(dsIn))
		# Convert to PyDataSet, if needed
		if 'com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.BasicDataset' in dsType:
			pyDS = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(dsIn)
		elif 'com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.JsonDataset' in dsType:
			pyDS = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(dsIn)
		elif 'com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.script.builtin.DatasetUtilities$PyDataSet' in dsType:
			pyDS = dsIn
			raise Exception('Not a valid DataSet')
		# Create Sheet
		if sheetNames == 'Sheet {}':
			sheet = wb.createSheet(sheetNames.format(sheetIndex + 1))
			sheet = wb.createSheet(sheetNames[sheetIndex])
		# Create formatter
		fmt = wb.createDataFormat()
		# Create style for headers
		headerStyle = wb.createCellStyle()
		headerFont = wb.createFont()
		# Create style for data
		rowStyle = wb.createCellStyle()
		rowFont = wb.createFont()
		# Create style for dates.
		dateStyle = wb.createCellStyle()
		dateFont = wb.createFont()
		# Create header row in the sheet
		headerRow = sheet.createRow(0)
		for i, col in enumerate(pyDS.getColumnNames()):
			cell = headerRow.createCell(i)
		# Create data rows	
		for i, row in enumerate(pyDS):
			dataRow = sheet.createRow(i+1)
			for j, col in enumerate(list(row)):
				cell = dataRow.createCell(j)
				# Check if it's a date, and set cell format accordingly 
				if 'java.util.Date' in str(type(col)):
		# Resize the columns		
		for i in range(pyDS.getColumnCount()):
	if fileName == '':
		return output.toByteArray()

Sample usage:

sampleHeaders1 = ['col1', 'col2', 'col3']
sampleData1 = [[system.date.parse('2023-06-01 00:00:00'), 'Row1', 1],
               [system.date.parse('2023-06-02 00:00:00'), 'Row2', 2],
               [system.date.parse('2023-06-03 00:00:00'), 'Row3', 3]

sampleHeaders2 = ['col10', 'col20', 'col30']
sampleData2 = [[system.date.parse('2023-06-11 00:00:00'), 'Row11', 11],
               [system.date.parse('2023-06-12 00:00:00'), 'Row12', 12],
               [system.date.parse('2023-06-13 00:00:00'), 'Row13', 13]

dataset1 = system.dataset.toDataSet(sampleHeaders1, sampleData1)
dataset2 = system.dataset.toDataSet(sampleHeaders2, sampleData2)

util.dataset.listToExcel([dataset1, dataset2], fileName='C:/Test/multisheetTest.xlsx', sheetNames=['MySheet1', 'TheSecondSheet'])



Hi @JordanCClark ,

I Found that idea from Chat GPT.

thanks for Your Quick response.

But , I need this in perspective.i am using > system.perspective.download(filename, data)

this is my script:

ds = system.db.runNamedQuery("My_named_Query",parameters)
ds1 = system.db.runNamedQuery("My_named_Query1",parameters)
data = system.dataset.toExcel(True,[ds,ds1])
filename = 'Data.xlsx'
system.perspective.download(filename, data)

With no filename in the function I supplied, it returns a byte array.

ds = system.db.runNamedQuery("My_named_Query",parameters)
ds1 = system.db.runNamedQuery("My_named_Query1",parameters)
data = util.dataset.listToExcel([ds, ds1], sheetNames = ["Production", "Downtime"])
filename = 'Data.xlsx'
system.perspective.download(filename, data)

i need to import any library?

because I got this error:

NameError: global name 'util' is not defined

Copy. Paste into a project script of your choosing. Set your path to the function accordingly.

Thanks @JordanCClark .It's working. but the date is not formated.


Without seeing any data, I would say that the times are coming in as milliseconds and not a date

exportExcel doesn't, but toExcel does:

Easy enough to pair with system.file.saveFile if you wanted.


the times are coming in as milliseconds .
I Changed to Date. now it is working !..

Thanks @JordanCClark for Your Quick responses.

Have a great day :slightly_smiling_face: ...

Thanks @PGriffith

This one also working. I think it is very simple and easy way.

This is the code:

ds = system.db.runNamedQuery("My_named_Query",parameters)
ds1 = system.db.runNamedQuery("My_named_Query1",parameters)
data = system.dataset.toExcel(1,[ds, ds1], sheetNames = ["sheetName1", "sheetName2"])
filename = 'Data.xlsx'
system.perspective.download(filename, data)

Thank again :slightly_smiling_face:

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