How can I export or copy my entire Microsoft SQL Server data from Ignition?
Do you mean data you've queried from your database or do you mean your database connection setup? What are you trying to accomplish by exporting this? What is the expected workflow?
We would like to use the data externally for personnel w/o access to Ignition for them to analyze the data.
Exporting data from SQL has nothing to do with Ignition. Use SSMS and export the data in the way you see fit.
Or provide suitably-credentialed access to your SQL Server to the other personnel.
Query your database from ignition, your result if i'm not mistaken comes in the form of a dataset, use an function like system.dataset.exportExcel or system.dataset.exportCSV.
That's what i would do but unfortunately it's been years since i've had the opportunity to work on an ignition project with a database connection.