Hi, Is it possible to export analysis settings configuration created through the impromptu Analysis selector to another database / gateway? (8.1.43 and 3.81.10 SP6)
Hi @Daniel_Calderon ,
You should be able to export and import via the gateway Import/Export tool:
Uncheck all and check Analysis settings.
AImport the .changelog file to the next environment using the File Import tab.
Thank you @jesse.records . Did not know that existed. I did it, but it sort of stayed "Building Export..." forever. Does it usually take a long time?
Nevermind, it finally exported. Thanks a lot!
@jesse.records good morning,
I am having issues importing an exported file with only MES Analysis settings into another gateway where the equipment and enterprise are different.
I am getting
Is the import function restricted to restore settings on the same MES configuration as the source?
I managed to export all my Analysis settings to an XML file using
filter = system.mes.object.filter.createFilter()
xml = system.mes.exportMESObjects(filter)
but then I can't see a way to import them using scripts.
Any idea? thanks
I think you found another way but I just ran through this example on my system:
On the export system:
filter = system.mes.object.filter.createFilter()
xml =system.mes.exportMESObjects(filter)
filename = system.file.saveFile('analysisexport', 'xml', '')
system.file.writeFile(filename, xml)
On the import system:
filename = 'analysisexport.xml'
xml = system.file.readFileAsString('C:\\my\\file\\path\\'+filename)
objects = system.mes.importMESObjects(xml)
Thanks Jesse, I had written gateway scripts to dump the analysis configurations to a JSON file and then to read the file and programmatically create and save them in the destination server.
This XML method also works.
Best regards.