Export Translation manager to readable and editable file


Is there a way to easily export the Translation manager and edit those files so i can send them to a translator that does not have experience in XML or so?

I already tried Excel but i cant even import the xml.

Are there some people that had the same issues, that have a tool they could recommend or something.

The issue already was there in 2016 regarding:

I hope there are better solutions available 8 years later?

Thanks in advance!


As mentioned at the bottom of that thread, translation export/import in "properties" format will be a pretty much human readable format like:


For all your defined translation terms, one file per supported locale.
Is there something this format doesn't offer you that you're looking for?

Optimally a CSV export/import would be pretty useful i think.

I build it myself with scripts and that works great.

Its essentially so i can send just one file to a translation bureau and they can easily add all the languages i need in excel or other format where they have experience in.

What's the format of that CSV?
Something like:

locale, term, translation
"en-US", "abc", "abc_translation"

I'm hoping to add a translation bundle import/export tool that works with Ignition's somewhat odd format to Kindling, the semi-official GUI tool I created to work with Ignition files.

It would also be good to add first-party support to Ignition, obviously; the entire translation management system needs some attention. It's on our list to get to, but hasn't risen to the top of the pile yet.


Nice to hear you are looking into the translation manager!

an example of the CSV:

Menu Item 2,Elemento de Menú 2,菜单项 二,Menu Item 2,Menu Item 2

So if i want to add another language i just put the language code after the last in the header and then adjust it, but that works easily in Excel for example.

My script to export CSV:

def runAction(self, event):
    import csv
    from com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway import IgnitionGateway

    # Get the localization manager
    localization_manager = IgnitionGateway.get().getLocalizationManager()

    # Load the full translation package
    translation_package = localization_manager.loadFullPackage()

    # Get all translation keys
    keys = translation_package.getAvailableKeys()

    # Collect all available languages
    all_languages = set()
    for key in keys:
        translations = translation_package.getTranslationsFor(key)

    # Define the CSV file path
    csv_file_path = "filepath"

    # Write to CSV
    with open(csv_file_path, mode='w') as file:
        writer = csv.writer(file, lineterminator='\n')
        # Create header row
        header = ["Key"] + list(all_languages)

        # Write translation rows
        for key in keys:
            translations = translation_package.getTranslationsFor(key)
            row = [key] + [translations.get(lang, '') for lang in all_languages]

    print("Export successful!")

And import back to the translationmanager:

    import system.util
    import io

    # Define the CSV file path
    csv_file_path = "filepath"

    # Read from CSV and update translations
    with io.open(csv_file_path, mode='r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as file:
        # Read all lines
        lines = file.readlines()

    # Split the lines into headers and rows
    headers = lines[0].strip().split(',')
    system.perspective.print("CSV Headers: " + str(headers))

    if 'Key' not in headers:
        system.perspective.print("Error: 'Key' column not found in CSV file.")

    languages = headers[1:]  # Get languages from the header row
    system.perspective.print("Languages found: " + str(languages))

    for line in lines[1:]:
            row = line.strip().split(',')
            key = row[headers.index('Key')]
            translations = {lang: row[headers.index(lang)] for lang in languages if row[headers.index(lang)]}
            for lang, translation in translations.items():
                    system.util.modifyTranslation(key, translation, lang)
                except Exception as e:
                    system.perspective.print("Error adding translation for {key} in {lang}: {e}")
        except Exception as e:
            system.perspective.print("Error processing row: {e}")

    system.perspective.print("Import successful!")

*I am not an expert in Ignition, but this works as expected

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