Expression break line

Hi , i am trying to make a kind of machine diagnosis using studio5000 and ignition…
so if the machine is at step 1 and need two more sensor to be ON to go at step 2 id like my diagnosis to write down these 2 sensor with breakline between the two.
i am using a ‘text area’ and the following expression

if({BREWER/Global/GBN_STRING_PONTER/GBN_STRING_POINTER_1_} =1 , {BREWER/Global/Gbn_Diagnostique_String/Gbn_Diagnostique_String_1_/STRING}, “,”)
if({BREWER/Global/GBN_STRING_PONTER/GBN_STRING_POINTER_2_} =1 , {BREWER/Global/Gbn_Diagnostique_String/Gbn_Diagnostique_String_2_/STRING}, “,”)

So in other word if X =1 it will show string 1 and if Y is also 1 it will show string 2 right after string 1…
and it will show like this :
string 1 sting 2
but if i have multiple diagnosis , text will be too longue so id like my text to be like this
string 1
string 2

i googled it like 3hours and i found ‘\n’ , \ or “\n” but none of them seems to work in ignition

(sorry if my english is bad a little im french im doing my best)

THANK YOU!!! :prayer:


for expressions in text boxes you can use hypertext


"<html>"+ if({_BREWER_/Global/GBN_STRING_PONTER/GBN_STRING_POINTER_1_} =1 , {_BREWER_/Global/Gbn_Diagnostique_String/Gbn_Diagnostique_String_1_/STRING}, ",") +<br>+ if({_BREWER_/Global/GBN_STRING_PONTER/GBN_STRING_POINTER_2_} =1 , {_BREWER_/Global/Gbn_Diagnostique_String/Gbn_Diagnostique_String_2_/STRING}, ",")

should do the trick


Hey Chris , thanks for your fast answer !
when i paster the code in binding expression box and pressed apply an error message showed saying something like “illegal character on line 3” :scratch:


Line 3


SOLVED :thumb_right: :thumb_left:

It was working but it was putting lots of breakline one after the other so i got tons of spaces between my diagnosis
so i modified it like that and its working great

"<html>"+ if({_BREWER_/Global/GBN_Pointeur_Diagnostique/GBN_Pointeur_Diagnostique_1_} , {_BREWER_/Global/Gbn_Diagnostique_String/Gbn_Diagnostique_String_1_/STRING}, "") + if({_BREWER_/Global/GBN_Pointeur_Diagnostique/GBN_Pointeur_Diagnostique_1_} , "<br>" , "") + if({_BREWER_/Global/GBN_Pointeur_Diagnostique/GBN_Pointeur_Diagnostique_2_} , {_BREWER_/Global/Gbn_Diagnostique_String/Gbn_Diagnostique_String_2_/STRING}, "") + if({_BREWER_/Global/GBN_Pointeur_Diagnostique/GBN_Pointeur_Diagnostique_2_} , "<br>" , "") +

Thanks again !!